
Beauty Influencer Advice: How To Grow Your Instagram Successfully

Wondered what goes on the behind the scenes of a successful beauty influencer? We spoke to the talented Instagrammer Mayssa Kasbi on what her life is really like behind the lens.

7 minutes read

Ever wished you could get some Instagram growing tips from a successful beauty influencer?

One of the things we love most about social media is the way it joins us globally as a community. It connects us by our interests, causes, and passions, which can be more persuasive ways to knit people together than by geographical location.

In the beauty niche, influencers are a huge marketing power, and their reach is massive. We reached out to one who comes all the way from Tunisia. Learn the intriguing details of how to build a brand, how to grow your Instagram successfully, and a bit about her own story and life from Tunisian beauty influencer,Mayssa Kasbi.



Tips to Growing Your Instagram: Advice from a Beauty Influencer 

1. We love your sense of fashion and beauty! Where do you get your inspiration from?

I get inspired by other bloggers all around the world; I also love to explore fashion magazines, watch the latest fashion shows and YouTube videos.

I also get inspired by ordinary people walking down the street. Some people have unique styles! Regarding beauty trends, there are a few makeup artists I really like, such as Huda beauty and Makeup By Mario.

2. You have a lot of followers; what do you think your biggest breakthrough was to get there?

I think that interacting with the followers is what keeps them loyal to a blogger and keeps the number expanding. I love to interact I like to know what they think about my outfit, makeup etc.
I also like to ask them what they want to see next on my social media and try to do the best I can to deliver the content they want.


3. What’s your favorite Plann filter?

My favorite Plann filter is K2 because it’s the one I frequently use. And the other one is Fridge, because of its amazing blue undertone.

Aujourd’hui je voulais repartager avec vous cette photo ☺️ Pas parce que je veux que vous voyez a quel point je me trouve belle dessus ??.. (Pas du tout?‍♀️?‍♀️ ) mais hormis le fait que je me prends pour une grosse star ? la caption que j’avais noté sous cette photo m’a beaucoup (ré) inspirée .. « Je trouve qu’offrir un joli sourire aide à rendre le monde meilleur ?, pas vous ? Échanger un sourire avec nos proches, nos amis , nos profs, la serveuse de la cafétéria ou même avec une inconnue dans la rue est un geste simple mais qui égaiera sûrement la journée! Mon sourire aujourd’hui je vous l’offre à VOUS mes amours, comme j’essaie de faire tous les jours d’ailleurs avec mes stories et mes posts ! ☺️☺️Souriez, ?soyez heureux ?et vivez pleinement votre journée ?❤️ Laisse-moi un commentaire si j’ai réussi à te faire sourire rien qu’en lisant cette caption sous ma photo ?☺️? ? @taniastrattiphoto #loveyousomuch

A post shared by Mayssa • Blogger &Youtuber (@mayssakasbi) on

4. Who’s your biggest influencer crush? (We all have one…or a few)!

There are a lot of influencers I really like, but some are special, as I started following them before I even started being a beauty influencer myself.

For example, Sananas is the French influencer I follow most. I never miss her videos! In the American category, I would say Carli Bybel is my favorite.

Another influencer I really like is the Australian Lauren Curtis.


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5. What is your favorite beauty trend right now?

There are so many beauty trends these days; however, there is one that I keep doing every time I do my makeup: is cheekbone highlighting.
It makes your skin look glowy especially during winter when we have dull skin. Highlighting the cheekbones definitely makes the skin look healthier.

6. How many followers did you have when you got your first paid collaboration?

Back in 2013, I had one of the most interactive Instagram community in my home country, Tunisia. Also, there were only a few influencers, so I would say that the first paid collaboration I did was when I had around 3000 – 4000 followers.

7. When you do collaborations, who reaches out first — them or you?

Depending on the product they’re selling, brands usually look for the adequate influencer. It depends on several factors such as the age, sex and demographic position of the followers.

For that reason, it’s usually the brands that reach out to the influencer. However, in some cases, there are brands that I would love to collaborate with, so I don’t hesitate to contact them.


8. What’s your secret recipe for a successful Instagram post?

I think the best way to have a successful Instagram post is to include a WOW factor. People want to be surprised in the best way possible.

Something unique and authentic attracts people. Adding humor to your caption can also make the followers more interactive!

9. How much time do you spend on Instagram per week?

I don’t know exactly per week, but I definitely spend a lot a time per day on Instagram! However, it depends on the day.

If I’m working, I won’t spend that much time on social media but on my days off I can definitely spend more than 3 hours a day watching Stories and looking for inspiration.

10. How do you select which brands to collaborate with and when do you decline?

As an influencer, I like to be very honest with my followers. I will always give my honest opinion regarding products and brands. The brands I collaborate with are always brands that I already use or new brands that I discover and that meet expectations.

11. What’s your top tip on how to make money off Instagram?

Always be unique and authentic in your posts. Make people want to know more and ask for more content. Stay true to yourself and your goals, don’t pretend to be someone else. Interact with your followers as much as you can.

Be open to constructive criticism to deliver your best content.


12. How many pictures do you take to get to the right one?

Honestly, a lot!

But it depends on who’s taking the pictures really. For example, my husband gets annoyed after taking 4 to 5 pictures of me, ha ha. However, my best friend would take her photographer job seriously! She would give me advice on how to pose, what to wear, etc.

We’re in love! Would you like to become a beauty influencer?

Mayssa is a great example of someone with excellent instincts and a dogged work ethic combining to make an individual bound for success at whatever path they chose. She just happened to become an Instagram beauty influencer with some serious skills.

Importantly, keep in mind that awesome influencers make use of productivity tools like Plann so they can spend more time talking with clients and their audience. Design your perfect feed, schedule your posts and keep an eye on your analytics using just one app.

Download Plann for iOS and Android and see for yourself!




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