
Epic Instagram Travel Photography Accounts You Need To Follow In 2018

And if you’re planning on embarking on an adventure, Instagram can be a great place to go to get ideas for where you may want to go. The photo-centric platform, after all, is tailor-made for showing off the beauty and appeal of alluring destinations and exotic locales.

7 minutes read

Someone once said: “If traveling was free, you’d never see me again.” Well, the bad news is that traveling is far from free. The good news is that Instagram is filled with amazing travel photography accounts that can help you escape your daily routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

And if you’re planning on embarking on an adventure, Instagram can be a great place to go to get ideas for where you may want to go. The photo-centric platform, after all, is tailor-made for showing off the beauty and appeal of alluring destinations and exotic locales.


Without further ado, I invite you to discover five amazing Instagram travel photography accounts and see how beautiful the world can be.

Instagram Travel Photography Accounts You Will Absolutely Love


Sometimes, all a traveler really needs to pack is a smile and a sense of adventure.

If you don’t believe it, check out @jetsetchristina’s account. Her feed is filled with evidence of how simple, joyful and easy it can be to explore and enjoy this beautiful world of ours.

2. @_itsbeautifulhere

Planning your next trip?

Make sure you pick a location you’ve never been to before. Then get a bead on the main attractions, the best restaurants for lunch and the accommodations with the most charm and best amenities.

If you need a little inspiration, @_itsbeautifulhere has plenty.

m a r r a k e c h | dreaming ?. Six weeks ago, I had the greatest pleasure of joining @smithhotels, @garancedore and @atelierdore for the first-ever Atelier Doré retreat, held at the very, very magical @elfennmarrakech. It was an incredibly inspiring week and I feel so lucky to have met so many strong, independent, passionate and creative women. For a little recap, head on over to the site now (link in profile ↑ ). And for any of you who might be interested in doing something similar, the good news is that @smithhotels, @garancedore and @atelierdore plan on doing at least two more retreats in 2018 (in equally amazing locations) ?. Just keep an eye on the @atelierdore Facebook page for more details ✨. And thank you for the pic, Pia & @atelierdore xx. #atelierdoredoes #itsbeautifulhere

A post shared by it’s beautiful here. (@_itsbeautifulhere) on


Ultimate Photographers Guide

Learn the tricks to growing your followers the easy way!

3. @kellyalack

Instagram travel photography goals right here: @kellyalak.

Interiors, seascapes, lovely street scenes . . . it’s a wonderful world we get to peep into via this account, but don’t hold us responsible for the time lost daydreaming.

The mosaic on the 16th Avenue Tiled Steps in SF goes from sea to stars.

A post shared by Kelly Lack (@kellyalack) on

4. @patchinpixels

Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.

Here’s someone who is doing just that (i.e., play-working) while sharing her experiences with the not-so-lucky ones. Check out @patchinpixels’s feed to see what we’re talking about.

Devo confessar que Natal tá longe de estar entre minhas datas favoritas. Talvez a gente precise de um motivo pra reunir as pessoas que amamos, mas eu não consigo ver sentido naquela comilança toda, naquele consumismo ainda mais exagerado, naquele mundo de tradições que nem são nossas, naquela ostentação de comidas e bebidas com tanta gente lá fora sem nem ter o que comer, e tantas outras coisas que me questiono. Tampouco consigo ver muito sentido em comemorar loucamente a virada do ano. Por que as pessoas ficam tão eufóricas pra viver e agradecer em um dia tudo o que deveriam ter feito nos outros 364 dias do ano?!
No entanto, uma coisa legal dessas datas é que elas nos fazem pensar muito sobre a vida e sobre nossos comportamentos, e a árdua missão depois disso é manter esse espírito pro resto do ano. E o mais importante de tudo e que muitas vezes esquecemos: AGRADECER! ?? . De uns anos pra cá, eu venho criado o hábito de agradecer SEMPRE. Eu vivo uma vida que a maioria considera um sonho sim, é fato, mas mesmo nos momentos difíceis, nos momentos de solidão e nos momentos em que eu preciso encarar de cabeça erguida as consequências das minhas próprias escolhas… eu AGRADEÇO. Agradeço com todo coração por ter a sorte de perceber que tudo na vida acontece por um motivo, por um aprendizado que precisamos ter e que um dia nos fará evoluir. . E no meio desses agradecimentos todos vem cada um de vocês na minha cabeça. É estranho mentalizar e emanar boas energias à tantas pessoas que eu sequer conheço pessoalmente, mas eu emano. Do mesmo jeito que vocês fazem comigo diariamente dando um tanto de sanidade pra essa loucura toda. 
Seria injusto chamar isso de sorte quando eu sei de todo meu suor pra cada conquista, mas às vezes é inevitável usar essa palavra pra justificar como eu conquistei tudo isso que vai muito além do que eu jamais pude imaginar um dia… que sorte eu tenho!!! E eu não tô falando de lugares não, estou falando de cada um de vocês que torna tudo isso possível e que muitas vezes são as melhores companhias que eu poderia ter.
. Fica aqui minha gratidão e meus desejos mais genuínos de felicidade e leveza à todos vocês, exatamente como deve ser! ❤️

A post shared by ©Patricia Schussel Gomes ❤?? (@patchinpixels) on


5. @theonewithwanderlust

Enjoy the little things in life… and make sure to add @theonewithwanderlust to your “Follow” list.

If you’re passionate about old cities and architecture, then this travel photography account will surely float to the top of your list of favorites.Tell us we’re wrong!


Live Every Day to the Fullest, Even if You Can’t Leave Home

Look, it’s easy to get pretty lost in the Instagram travel photography rabbit hole. It’s like being in the most lovely sort of quicksand! So whether you’re planning your own hop-skip over the globe or just fantasizing your way out of another dreary day, we know you’ll enjoy the post-viewing trip.

Tip: If you need a tool to help you edit your holiday photos, Plann can help you.

Download Plann for iOS and Android and create your own awesome feed.



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