There’s never a bad time to focus on business growth, is there?
Well in 2019, it is especially important to make sure that you are prioritising your business growth and doubling down on your digital marketing efforts if you truly want to succeed.
But what does success even mean?
And how do you even begin to map out your goals for business growth?
We’re going to answer those two big ol’ questions in today’s blog post, so grab a cup of tea or a massive mug of coffee and let’s hop to it.
What is Business Success Anyway?
The whole idea of being successful in business is a bit odd.
I mean, every single person has a different perspective on what makes them and their business a success.
For you, is it a certain amount of income? Or is it impact? Maybe just maybe, it is those fancy entrepreneurs that you look up to knowing your name and your mission.
What we know for sure at Plann is that with Instagram now having over 1 billion users there is definitely an increase in the amount of competition out there. You’ve really got to do something different and showcase your points of difference in your marketing to stand out in 2019.
PSSST -> Want to know the key Instagram trends for 2019?
If you’ve ever wondered what an acceptable rate of growth is for a small to medium-sized business, here’s a quick answer from : “Industry overall grows about the same rate as the economy, which is 2-3% in a good year.”
Business Growth Tools
One of our top recommendations for staying on track with your business goals each quarter is with the help of the oh-so useful Best Self journal. This handy dandy planner is perfectly designed to help you track your goals and make sure that your professional and personal growth are a constant focus for you.
And nope, we aren’t sponsored to say this! Quite a few of the Plann team have used the journal and we all can’t get enough of it.
One other business growth tool that will seriously help you with staying on track with your Instagram goals is the Plann app! We have built in a section called ‘focus notes’ which will help you to keep your growth top of mind.
PSSST -> Now is the perfect time to learn how to schedule Instagram posts weeks in advance.
Phew! You’ve got a big year ahead of you, don’t you?
I am really excited to hear how you go with preparing for massive business growth in 2019 so be sure to DM us or tag us in a post on Instagram (@plannthat) so that we can cheer you on.[/vc_column_text]