Creative Instagram Highlight Covers That We Love + Nifty Tips To Create Your Own!

Creative Instagram highlight covers are an easy way to get people to fall in love at first sight. We have collected some flipp’n exciting ideas on how to create poppin’ Instagram highlight covers.

Pinterest vs Instagram: Which Is Better For Your Business?

If you had to choose, out of Pinterest vs Instagram, which social media network do you think would give your business the biggest boost?

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How To Stop The Follow Unfollow Instagram Accounts

Have you spotted follow unfollow accounts who just *happen* to find your Instagram account time after time? Read on for tips on how you can stop this from happening.

How To Master The Instagram Algorithm In 2019

It’s the question on everyone’s lips – what on earth does the Instagram Algorithm actually want us to post in 2019? Find out the secrets to the Instagram Algorithm in 2019 right inside this blog post.

How To Use IGTV Like A Pro

Instagram has finally revealed their long-form video content hub, IGTV. So here at Plann HQ we had a play around with how to use IGTV – and we think it’s pretty darn awesome!

A graph with an upward trend showing social media notifications, including a new follower and a like, represented by red icons, highlighting the effectiveness of a social media scheduler |
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Instagram Is Introducing Long-Form Videos: Our Predictions

At Plann HQ, we’ve had a big discussion around this soon-to-be-released video length update and we’ve made a few bold predictions. Read more to find out our thoughts and predictions….

Grow Your Business With The New Instagram Stories Shopping Update

We can already hear business owners everywhere jumping around excitedly as Instagram have just announced that they will be rolling out a new Instagram Stories Shopping update that will allow them to tag products they sell in their stories.

Instagram Introduces Content Sharing Via Instagram Story Mentions

A brand new Instagram Stories update has been released, and this one is a doozy! The Instagram update is all about Instagram Stories Mentions; keep on reading to find out why this update is so exciting for brands and businesses using Instagram.

How To Mute Instagram Accounts Of People You Don’t Want To Unfollow

Instagram recently launched a ‘mute’ button for feed content, so that you can actually switch the ‘off’ button on feeds that you don’t want to see. Huzzah!

How To Edit Your Instagram Photos For A Perfect Travel Account

Want to be one of those super cool people that travel the world and Instagram it for a living? We’re going to let you in on one of the best kept secrets for editing the perfect travel-focused Instagram photos.

Five Instagram Stories Hacks That Will Skyrocket Your Reach

Today we are going to open up our little black book of Instagram Hacks to share with you five incredible (and little known) Instagram Stories hacks to skyrocket your reach.