How To Find Your Instagram Engagement Rate

Have you wondered how, why and where to see your engagement rate? SO have we! We talk a lot about the engagement with our followers – which is one of…

How To Add The New Emoji Slider To Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are such a great way to engage your followers and let loose of your creative self. Instagram just launched this new nifty feature which we can not get enough of! Do you have a question and are bored of traditional polls?
Say HELLO to the Emoji slider!

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How To Easily Create & Add Highlight Covers (Without Sharing Them to Your Instagram Story)

  If you ask us, highlight covers are more than just a highlights reel — they’re seriously underrated part of your Instagram feed. Not only do they elevate the aesthetic…

How To Get A Transparent Overlay In Instagram Stories

Have you seen the mysterious transparent overlays on people’s Instagram stories? There are so many cool ways to use this feature. It’s such a fun way to make Instagram stories stand out and engage your following. Let us show you how.

Instagram Updates You Need To Keep An Eye On

Blimey! Instagram sure loves change. At the Facebook F8 conference on May 1st, there were six really important Instagram updates announced that we think you are going to want to know about. Spoiler alert: all of these updates are overwhelmingly positive and look like they will help in improving the enjoyment of Instagram for everyone.

A graph with an upward trend showing social media notifications, including a new follower and a like, represented by red icons, highlighting the effectiveness of a social media scheduler |
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21 Surprising Instagram Marketing Statistics You Should Know

Instagram has quickly become an important cog in the wheel of social media marketing. If you’re able to get high engagement out of your followers, Instagram can drive business and generate income, regardless of the size of your company. Yes, stunning visual content is a natural key to success with Instagram, but to truly lure your target audience you’ll also need a strategy that will help you to grow your followers. Using the following statistics to your advantage will have you looking like a pro in no time.

How To Add Invisible Hashtags To Your Instagram Story

Do you want more people to see your stories, Instagram profile and all the hard work you put in? OH YASS you do, that is the whole point, right? Then…

How To Use Instagram Stories Fonts

You’ve probably noticed the fancy new Instagram Stories fonts all the cool kids are using. If you haven’t been able to figure it out — or if you’re new to Instagram and want to start off with a bang — read on, and you’ll soon take your Stories to the next level.

Changing Your Privacy Settings On Facebook And Instagram, And Why It’s Important

Trying to figure out how to clear app permissions on your Facebook and Instagram accounts? Cambridge Analytica ruined all of our weeks recently with that creepy Facebook revelation, and now we’ve all got to do serious damage control. Of course you’ve been wondering about app permissions and social media privacy.

Beauty Influencer Advice: How To Grow Your Instagram Successfully

Wondered what goes on the behind the scenes of a successful beauty influencer? We spoke to the talented Instagrammer Mayssa Kasbi on what her life is really like behind the lens.

How To Animate Text On Instagram Story

We have got an awesome IG tip which will change your game big time! Today we’re going to show you how to animate text on Instagram story. We can’t wait to see what all of you geniuses out there creates from this. Let’s get to work!