How To Set Up A Plann Desktop Account

Ready to skyrocket your Instagram marketing results? Well then, let’s get you set up with a brand new Plann Desktop account so that you can get on your way! There…

How To Use The Eyedrop Feature On Instagram

We might just have climbed the cool-ladder with the new eye-drop feature on Instagram story! The eyedrop feature makes it possible to match the text with any other color in the photo. Sounds pretty great, right? Learn how to use it in our short guide.

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How To Create A Facebook Business Page

If you’re convinced your business needs a Facebook presence, let us help walk you through the steps to making it happen. It’s not difficult, but can be tedious.

Analytics For Instagram, How To Understand What’s Working…And What’s Not.

Looking through your analytics for Instagram but can’t work out how it can influence your decisions for your content choices? Here’s how to use it.

Plann Update: Instagram Analytics And Performance

If you’ve already run the update for Plann this week – you’ll see the app has doubled in size with the addition of Instagram Analytics and Performance Metrics! You’ll now be…

A graph with an upward trend showing social media notifications, including a new follower and a like, represented by red icons, highlighting the effectiveness of a social media scheduler |
Ready To Grow Your Instagram Followers And Engagement?

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Tutorial: How To Add Multiple Links On Instagram

Instagram usually only allows one external link in your bio, but here’s how you can add mulitple links on Instagram – and it only takes 5 minutes to set up!

How To Get The Most Out Of Plann

Downloaded Plann and need some tips to get started?
Here’s how to get the most out of your new Instagram Scheduler.