
50 Free ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Marketers

Never struggle with what to ask your robot bestie again! We’ve rounded up a whopping 50 of the best ChatGPT prompts for social media marketing.

Lucinda Starr
13 minutes read

As social media marketers and small business owners, we’re expected to wear a lot of different hats. Brainstorming, strategy, content creation, posting, and community management often fall within our remit, but with a million other things crowding our plates, we often get stuck in the same-same.

The solution? AI-powered social media content brainstorming. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT might have seemed scary at first, but we’ve quickly warmed up to their endless possibilities, embedding AI into our day-to-day here at Plann with a handy AI Caption Generator and our all-new AI Content Generator

AI is a goldmine for social media content ideas – as long as you know the right questions to ask. Figuring out the perfect prompts will help you milk that little robot for all it’s worth and give you the tools to streamline your strategy, stat. 

So you don’t have to spend hours on end poring over prompts, we’ve put together a robust, comprehensive list of the best ChatGPT prompts for social media marketing success. 


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How to craft effective ChatGPT prompts

Crafting the perfect ChatGPT prompt is kinda like writing a headline for a killer ad – it needs to be clear, concise, and specific to get the best results. Unlike a headline, though, the more detail you provide, the better off you’ll be. So, think big – like, billboard big – without compromising clarity. 

Tips for writing a great AI prompt

  • Be specific with what you want: Give your prompt enough context to weed out vague or irrelevant responses. We’ve all seen our fair share of ChatGPT fails, but often, this is because of a lack of specificity to guide the AI to where it needs to go. Just like you can’t expect Google Maps to direct you effectively without inputting a location, ChatGPT isn’t able to succeed without a thorough brief. 


  • Strike a balance between descriptive and overwhelming: Provide enough information to guide your new AI bestie, but don’t bog it down with irrelevant details or rambling. 
  • Break your prompt into bite-sized bits: If you need ChatGPT’s help with a big piece of work, consider tackling it bit by bit for the best results. Break down your prompt into paragraphs, or use subheadings to clearly mark out each deliverable. You can send this all in one prompt or feed your AI as you go – play around to see what works best for you. 
  • Don’t be scared to revise: Most good marketers don’t nail it on the first try, and ChatGPT is no exception. Forgive the initial fail and give your AI some more context so it can learn, grow, and form a better picture of your needs. It’s kinda like onboarding a new employee – without a proper induction process, how can you expect excellent results? 

The Best ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Marketing

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Engaging Content Ideas

Engagement – the social media marketer’s favorite metric. There’s nothing better than checking your analytics to see record-breaking engagement rates, connections in the comments section, and a slew of saves and shares. 

But what do you do when those numbers start to drop and your social schedule’s feeling a little stale? Enlist ChatGPT’s help by using a done-for-you AI prompt, that’s what! 


Here are 10 ChatGPT prompts to get you started:

1. Suggest three saveable, shareable Instagram text post ideas to educate fans of my [industry] brand about [product].

2. Give me five ways to use memes or pop culture references in static posts for my [industry] brand that will resonate with my [target audience]. Be sure to recommend specific memes or pop culture references that are trending.

3. Help me develop a competition to run on Instagram to grow my [industry] brand’s following and improve my page engagement. Please include the entry mechanism, copy for the post, and a brief for the asset.

4. I want to improve my post engagement on LinkedIn. Provide five out-of-the-box content ideas I can use to authentically talk about my [industry] business and generate better engagement on this platform. Please include a mix of text posts, carousels, and videos.

5. What are 10 engaging ways I can use polls or quizzes on Instagram Stories to engage the [target audience] followers of my [industry] brand?

6. Generate three content ideas to incorporate my [industry] brand’s customer testimonials in a visually engaging way for Instagram. Include a detailed design brief for each idea based on my brand’s visual identity.

7. Tap into the latest TikTok trends and provide me with 10 fun content ideas for my [industry] brand that are designed to encourage discourse in the comments section.

8. Here’s a profile of my target audience. Using this information, suggest five ideas for content series designed to maximize engagement and build their affinity with my [industry] brand.

9. Create three fun content ideas that align with [upcoming event/holiday] and will resonate with [target audience] on Facebook.

10. Give me ideas for five entertaining 30-60 second videos I could create for my [industry] brand using just b-roll footage and a voiceover. 

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Compelling Video Content Ideas 

Video content can be tough to nail – after all, the average attention span of a Gen Z social media user is a mind-blowing 8 seconds

Use these ChatGPT prompts to brainstorm some video content ideas that’ll cut through the noise and send your brand’s viral potential skyrocketing:

1. Create three video content ideas for Instagram Reels that highlight the benefits of [product/service] for [target audience].

2. Suggest five trending TikTok ideas for [month] that can be adapted to promote [product]. Include recommendations for trending sounds to use and text-on-screen to capture viewer attention.

3. Provide a video script for a 30-second TikTok that authentically weaves the benefits of [product] with [relatable scenario].

4. What are three low-effort TikTok content pieces I can create to tap into the founder-led content trend for my [industry] brand?

5. Suggest five behind-the-scenes video ideas for my [industry] brand’s Instagram that will help me build trust with [target audience].

6. Outline a content plan for a fun top-of-funnel video content series designed to raise brand awareness and encourage engagement for my [industry] brand. Ensure that all videos can be created at the office with access to [number] staff and limited external resources. The video content plan should incorporate 10 videos over a time frame of three months.

7. Generate three storytelling video ideas to authentically promote [product] that will resonate with [target audience] on Instagram Reels.

8. Write five unique content briefs to form an educational TikTok series for an [industry] brand. In each brief, suggest an outline of the video, list the resources required, and write the video’s script, caption, and text on screen where applicable.

9. Develop an easy-to-create meme video concept for my [industry] brand to entertain [target audience]. Use a current trending meme format that will resonate with this demographic. Be sure to include text-on-screen and caption suggestions in the brand’s tone of voice, which is [tone of voice pillars].

10. What are five video ideas to promote [new product/launch] for an [industry] brand in a fun and engaging way, using our brand ambassadors as talent? 

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Boosting Community Engagement 

An engaged community is a strong community, and favorable interactions are the building blocks of loyal customers. That’s why it’s important to facilitate community engagement whenever possible by asking questions, sourcing feedback, and encouraging person-to-person connection. 


If you want to get ‘em talking, but aren’t sure how, here are ten questions to ask ChatGPT to generate some great social media community engagement ideas: 

1. Generate three fun poll ideas for Instagram Stories to increase engagement with [target audience].

2. Help me brainstorm a branded hashtag for my [industry] brand to collect user-generated content and encourage community engagement around my [product/service].

3. What are five unique and topical themes I could use as the basis for an interactive Q&A on TikTok Live with an [industry] brand’s founder?

4. Write me an eight-week Instagram Stories plan for an [industry] business with the aim of reactivating a disengaged follower base. Include recommendations for how many Stories to post per week, what kind of content will be most engaging, and any Instagram features to use (e.g., polls, stickers).

5. Suggest 10 interesting conversation starters to post in my [industry] brand’s Facebook group. Our audience is [describe your audience]. The aim of these posts is to spark conversation around our products and brand offerings between current and potential customers.

6. How can my [industry] business use TikTok Notes to start a meaningful conversation with our [target audience]?

7. Give me 10 poll ideas to foster discussion amongst our [industry] brand’s audience on LinkedIn. Our target audience is [describe your audience] and our brand’s current focuses are [list 2-3 focuses].

8. Provide five caption ideas or thought-starters to encourage our [industry] brand’s [target audience] to tag their friends on Instagram.

9. Our [industry] brand wants to join the conversation around [trending topic]. Can you brainstorm 10 ways we can capitalize on this cultural moment across TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook in a way that aligns with our brand values and is appropriate for our [target audience]?

10. We’re about to host an event for our [industry] brand! Please construct a community engagement plan to help us drive attendees using Instagram and Facebook. 

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Driving Action and Conversions 

Conversion-based content is a unique beast. When done incorrectly, it can alienate your audience – but when the message is just right, it’s the ticket to supercharged sales. If you need some help leveraging this kind of content for your audience, why not see what ChatGPT has to say with one of these customizable prompts? 

1. Brainstorm 10 varied call-to-action ideas that can be used on Instagram Stories to drive purchases of my [industry] brand’s [product]? Be sure to keep IG best practices and constraints, such as character limits, in mind.

2. I’m running a sale for my [industry] brand! Please construct a social media plan across Instagram, TikTok and Facebook for the sale that commences [days] before the sale and finishes [days] after the sale. Include a combination of direct sales messaging and posts designed to get more eyes on my platforms.

3. How can I encourage sign-ups to my [industry] newsletter using Instagram carousel posts?

4. Generate 3 Instagram Reel ideas that encourage [audience] to sign up for an upcoming [event]. Please provide captions that can be adapted to my brand’s tone of voice.

5. Conceptualize, brief and write the caption for a before-and-after post for Instagram and Facebook about my [industry] brand’s product, using the information I provide to you.

6. Give me five high-converting post ideas across Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and Facebook to promote my [industry] brand’s limited-time offer. Adapt each of the five concepts so they are tailored to the unique nature of each social media platform

7. Help me build an Instagram content plan across all levels of the marketing funnel to drive sales for my new [product] launch for my [industry] brand.

8. Write me a social media caption for the attached post promoting my [industry] business’s latest [product/service]. The aim is to drive link clicks in my brand tone of voice. Provide different iterations of the caption for each of the following social media platforms: Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

9. What are three compelling post ideas to get [target audience] to download [free resource]?

10. Help me write the brief, script, and captions for a piece-to-camera TikTok video promoting our brand’s latest offering, [product/service]. The style of the video should be [style/tone of voice]. 

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts for High-performing Social Campaigns 


A lot goes into building a social media campaign that excites, delights, and, best of all, converts. Take some of the hassle out of the ideation process by employing ChatGPT to do the groundwork for you:

1. We are an [industry] brand speaking to [target audience]. Create a three-month content calendar across Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and LinkedIn that integrates our current social media strategy with our latest campaign focus. I will provide more information about our current social media strategy and the new campaign to support your concepts.

2. Using proven frameworks for success on Instagram, generate five overarching social media campaign ideas that I can apply to my [industry] business. Break each campaign down into a mini social media plan with 3-5 content ideas within. 

3. Analyze my brand’s current presence on TikTok and use current [industry] insights to identify gaps and opportunities. Informed by your findings, please then generate a one-month social media content plan with the goal of growing our following on TikTok.

4. Give me three creative, out-of-the-box campaign concepts that I can use to generate high-volume traffic for my [industry] business on Instagram Reels.

5. Provide five Instagram Story campaign ideas to help support my social media launch plan for our upcoming [product]. Offer best practice tips for each campaign to make the content creation process seamless.

6. Help me build an influencer campaign to promote my brand’s new [product/service] on TikTok and Instagram. The plan should include 10 influencers per channel, spread across nano, micro, and macro followings. Please outline the process I should follow to source, engage, and work with the influencers and break each step into actionable chunks.

7. Suggest five ideas for a user-generated content campaign that highlights my brand and our latest [product/service].

8. I want to run a cross-platform campaign to promote my [upcoming event] for an [industry] business. Detail three overarching ideas and step out how you would execute the content plan and differentiate the content by channel.

9. Brainstorm five short-form social media video ideas with viral potential that we could adapt across Instagram and TikTok for our [industry] brand.

10. Our [industry] brand’s social media goals for the next calendar year are [2-3 goals]. Please craft a one-year social media strategy across [channels] to help us achieve these goals, including content ideas, best practice tips, milestones, reporting metrics, and anything else you think is relevant. 

Other tools to streamline your social media marketing game

While ChatGPT is an absolute weapon, it’s just one of many AI tools on the market that you can use to boost your brand’s social media presence. Other AIs like Gemini, Jasper, and Monica, as well as those embedded in your fave social media platforms, are just as packed with potential and may give you a fresh perspective when ChatGPT’s brilliance is wearing a little thin.


It’s also important to remember that AIs like ChatGPT are generalists, and sometimes, you need a specialist on the job – which is why we’ve embedded our own social media-focused AI functionality within Plann. You’ll never have caption fatigue again with our AI Caption Generator, which intuitively crafts messaging based on your assets and brand identity. Use it to construct something snappy from scratch, or give it a starting point and watch as it works its magic. 

Our new AI Content Generator takes this one step further, helping you build a post idea from the ground-up based on social media trends, best practice tips, and your brand’s voice and style. If you’re feeling stuck on what to post, simply jump into Plann, enlist the AI Content Generator, and receive round after round of inspired ideas ‘til something sticks. Create the content, and voila – you’ve just added some spice back into your social media strategy

Level up your social media marketing game with Plann

Whether you’re struggling to keep up with the fast-paced nature of social media or simply want to devote more time to growing your business and focusing on those tasks that take place offline, Plann’s range of features is sure to help save you time with an automated social media strategy. 

From AI-generated captions to cross-posting, analytics, hashtags and more, Plann can help you maintain a consistent posting schedule while you remain focused on business growth. We even auto-post your Instagram Reels to take the hassle out of growing organically on the platform! 

Go on, and redeem your 7-day free trial of Plann Plus. If you don’t like it, keep using Plann for free!


Prompt AI Guide
Your Free Guide To Prompting AI

Discover the art of inspiring AI to craft engaging content – all will be revealed in this captivating guide.


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