
New: Royalty-Free Stock Videos!

Get access to thousands of stock videos. We’ve added two of the world’s LARGEST royalty-free stock image libraries for you to browse, import and publish directly to your social media accounts.

3 minutes read

Want to add video content or moving graphics into your social media strategy but feeling stuck for content? Finding it a bit tough to get outside and film new video bites?

Plann can now help you schedule and post videos straight to your Instagram posts, stories and Facebook pages!

If you’re a paid Plann’r, you can immediately access thousands of royalty-free videos and import them directly into your social schedule, right from inside your Plann dashboard, at no extra cost!

Royalty Free Video

What’s available?

We’ve added two of the world’s LARGEST royalty-free stock image libraries for you to browse, import and publish directly to your social media accounts.

This means you’ve got immediate access to a ridiculous amount of free stock videos, on top of the already tens of thousands of free stock images we have that you’ll never tire of trawling through.

I’m a business, can I use the video stock on my socials or commercial campaigns?

Absolutely, we’ve made sure we’ve teamed up with video stock libraries that understand how quickly social media moves, and that businesses need regular content for both organic and paid channels.

All videos offered are royalty-free, and available for commercial use.

How do I find them?

Just as you would normally upload content to Plann, open your upload menu and under ‘FREE CONTENT’ you’ll find a new video option in the dropdown.

Simply search the keywords you’re looking for to find free video content!


Stock Video

Can I edit the videos?

Plann currently doesn’t have a video editor available so we recommend making any video edits (or adding caption overlays) at the time you push your video content to Instagram as a story.

When scheduling stories, we’ve made sure you can leave text notes exactly for this, you can save notes for yourself, or the rest of your team to include:

– People, products and locations that need to be tagged in the story.
– Captions or subtitles that you’d like overlayed on your story.
– Prompts to your team to add any GIFS, or interactive Instagram stickers (like polls).

Ready to dive in and create?!

To check out our new royalty free videos, either sign into your Plann Desktop account, or register for our FREE 7 day trial for new Desktop Plann’rs and get creating!

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