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B Roll

B roll, also known as B roll footage, refers to any supplementary or secondary footage used in video production.

What is B Roll? B roll, also known as B roll footage, refers to any supplementary or secondary footage used in video production. It’s often used to provide context, transitions, or visual interest in addition to the main footage, known as A roll. B roll can include shots of locations, details, or action scenes that complement the main content. It helps enhance storytelling and keeps viewers engaged by providing variety and additional information.

How B Roll is Used on Social Media

Think of B roll as the supporting actor in a movie – it adds depth and excitement to the main story! On social media, especially in video content like Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok, B roll footage helps keep things interesting and engaging. It’s perfect for showing off behind-the-scenes moments or giving your audience a glimpse into your daily life.

Plus, with Plann, you can easily upload and schedule your B roll footage alongside your main content. So whether you’re capturing BTS moments or sharing a day in your life, B roll is your secret weapon for making your videos pop!

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