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Cringe usually refers to content that makes us feel awkward, embarrassed, or experience secondhand embarrassment.

Define Cringe

The internet thrives on slang, and “cringe” has become a term for content that makes us feel awkward, embarrassed, or experience secondhand embarrassment.

What Makes Something “Cringeworthy”?

Not everything awkward is considered “cringe.” Here’s what typically triggers that online cringe sensation:

  • Social Blunders: Witnessing someone say or do something socially awkward, like accidentally calling their teacher “mom” in a video call.
  • Outdated Trends: Things that were once trendy but are now painfully outdated, like overly edited photos with excessive filters.
  • Inauthentic Attempts: Content that feels forced or inauthentic, like someone trying too hard to be funny or imitating a trend that doesn’t suit them.
  • Oversharing TMI: Sharing overly personal or graphic details can make viewers feel uncomfortable and second-hand embarrassed.

Examples of Cringeworthy Content Online

  • Bragging Posts: Boasting excessively about material possessions or achievements in a way that comes across as self-absorbed.
  • Misused Memes: Trying to use outdated memes or references that don’t make sense in the context.
  • Awkward Dance Challenges: Attempts at viral dance challenges that lack coordination or look entirely out of place.
  • Insensitive Humor: Jokes or content that are offensive or insensitive to race, gender, religion, or other social issues.


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