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“Lowkey” is a slang term used to describe something that is done quietly, discreetly, or with minimal attention. It can imply that a person wants to keep something understated or private. For example, saying “I’m lowkey excited about the event” means the person is excited but not making a big deal out of it. Similarly, “We should keep this lowkey” means to keep it quiet or not widely known.

Lowkey is a slang term used to describe something that is done quietly, discreetly, or with minimal attention. It can imply that a person wants to keep something understated or private.

How is Lowkey used on social media?

On social media, “lowkey” is used to describe feelings, actions, or opinions that are understated or not openly expressed. Here are some examples of how “lowkey” is used:

  1. Expressing Emotions: “I’m lowkey excited about the weekend,” meaning the person is excited but not making a big deal out of it.
  2. Opinions: “Lowkey, I think this show is overrated,” indicating the person’s opinion without wanting to be too vocal or controversial.
  3. Preferences: “I lowkey prefer staying in over going out,” suggesting a quiet preference without drawing too much attention.
  4. Confessions: “Lowkey, I have a crush on him,” sharing a secret or private thought discreetly.
  5. Actions: “Let’s keep this party lowkey,” meaning to keep the event small and not widely publicized.
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