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NPC (Non Playable Character)

An NPC, or Non-Player Character, is a term commonly used in video games, tabletop role-playing games, and other forms of interactive media.

What does NPC stand for? Non Player Character.

What is an NPC? An NPC, or Non-Player Character, is a term commonly used in video games, tabletop role-playing games, and other forms of interactive media.

In internet culture, “NPC” has also become a meme, often used to describe individuals perceived as lacking independent thought, merely echoing popular opinions or behaviors without personal input. This usage can be controversial and is generally seen as derogatory.

How is the term NPC commonly used on social media?

Here’s how it’s commonly used:

  1. Describing Behavior: People use “NPC” to describe someone who seems to follow a script or act without independent thought, much like non-playable characters in games that follow pre-programmed behaviors. For example, someone might say, “He’s such an NPC,” to imply that the person is acting predictably or mindlessly.
  2. Memes and Jokes: The term is often used in memes and jokes to humorously criticize or mock individuals or groups who are perceived to lack originality or critical thinking. These memes typically portray NPCs as having a blank expression or repeating the same phrases.

Overall, on social media, calling someone an “NPC” is usually a playful or sarcastic way to suggest they are acting in a predictable, unoriginal, or unthinking manner.

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