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In Gen Z slang, “valid” means something is great, impressive, or generally acceptable.

The valid definition in Gen Z slang, means something is great, impressive, or generally acceptable. If someone says, “That outfit is valid,” they mean it looks really good or cool. It’s a way to give approval or show that something meets their standards.

When is Valid Used on Social Media?

In Gen Z slang, “valid” is often used on social media to describe something or someone as acceptable, legitimate, or cool. It’s a term of approval or affirmation, indicating that something meets the standards or expectations of the speaker.


Some examples of how valid may be used on social media are:


Agreeing with a post: People might comment “valid” on a post they find particularly good or relatable.

Example: Someone posts a funny meme, and a friend replies, “Valid 😂.”


Validating Experiences: When someone shares their experience or feeling, others might use “valid” to acknowledge and validate their perspective.

Example: “Feeling exhausted after a long week? Valid.”


By understanding and using “valid” in these contexts, you can effectively communicate approval and validation on social media, resonating with the Gen Z audience.


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