With our free stock image library, you'll always have something to post

We’ve teamed up with three of the world’s largest royalty-free media companies so that you’ve always got endless images and videos on hand ready to use.
User interface displaying a photo gallery with landscape images from Pixabay, Pexels, and Unsplash, featuring a drag-and-drop area for uploading files and a search bar to filter photos, ideal for a social media scheduler |

Get started now for free!
Schedule your next post with Plann

Trusted by over 3M brands around the world

Import free content directly into your social media schedule

Shave hours off your social planning and cut photoshoots with royalty-free images and videos, ready for commercial use.

Unbeatable Selection

Search tens of thousands of professional creators content and instantly import them into your workflow.

Posts, Stories or Video Posts

Use royalty-free content for every type of social media post, from Instagram to LinkedIn to TikTok.

Calendar Scheduling

Gaps on your social media calendar can be filled instantly by adding premium stock content.
A content creation tool interface for social media posts, showing options for Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and TikTok. Includes image and video selections, a social starter text, Cyber Monday hashtags, and customizable posting options |
Various photos including a hand holding a coffee cup, Christmas ornaments, a beach scene, and a hand reaching towards the sky, highlighting integrations with Unsplash, Pexels, and Pixabay, emphasizing diverse content and social media hashtags, perfect for a social media planner |

Partners with three of the worlds largest stock libraries

Pexels, Pixabay and Unsplash join Plann to provide you with world-class graphics you can use every single day.

Images + Videos

Import images and videos of all aspect sizes ready to suit every type of social media post.

Make Them Your Own

Add text, filters, crops and overlays to free stock content if you want to make them uniquely yours.

Endless Variety

No matter what type of business you’ve got, you’ll find a lifestyle, location or inspiration shot to work for you.

Curating A Cohesive Instagram Feed With Hygge And Travel Blogger

Building a thriving travel blogger community and curated aesthetic using Instagram and Plann.
“I’ve been amazed how extremely easy it was to design a cohesive feed with Plann. Being able to move posts around before publishing is so awesome.”

Ashleigh Sutlive

Travel blogger

How free content at Plann can push you forward

We won’t just leave you to search through endless stock images. here’s how else Plann comes to your rescue

Daily Prompts

Every day you’ll find a new talking point, done-for-you captions with matching stock imagery to customize.

Create Entire Collections

Collect color palettes, patterns or places and create whole libraries you can refer back to later.

A Brand That’s Always Online

From seasonal to occasional, search for content to keep your brand relevant and online, 24/7.
A digital interface displaying a "LIFESTYLE" photo collection with location and date details, featuring image selection, drag and drop upload, and integration with Pixabay, Pexels, and Unsplash, ideal for a social media scheduler |
Screenshot of a social media scheduler tool showing an organized content calendar with image collections, user roles (Admin, Editor, View Only), and options for creating, scheduling, and strategizing posts |

Helping you find great content is just the beginning

From visual planning, scaling your team or creating free content collections, consider us part of your team ready to help.

Drag + Drop Media Previews

See how stock media looks alongside the rest of your published posts with our interactive mobile preview.

Constantly Updated

Pexels, Pixabay and Unsplash are constantly updating their media libraries so there’s always something new.

Real Time Sharing

Invite your team or Virtual Assistant to help organize social posts, artwork and captions in real time.

One seamless social media workflow

Get started now for free!
Schedule your next post with Plann

Trusted by over 3M brands around the world

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Plann automatically post to all platforms for me?

Plann supports auto posting for ALL platforms, that’s TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube Shorts and Instagram!

With Plann auto posting, all those moments you’re crazy busy, away on a well deserved holiday, walking the dog, or just need a social media break, we’re here to help.

Set-and-forget your social schedule across the world’s leading platforms so your brand is always online.

Choose to auto post, or receive a push notification at your scheduled time – we’ll make it work for you.

What makes Plann different?

Plann is more than a scheduling tool. We’ll absolutely help you with content distribution across multiple social media platforms, however, our real secret sauce is helping you with WHAT, WHEN and WHY to post on Social Media.

From guiding you through how to build your own custom post strategy, providing free videos, images, and hashtags, right through to designing a brand calendar for your entire marketing presence, we’re here to help you grow a brand that you’re proud of – one that intentionally gets results.

Plann is a complete social media planning, scheduling, analytics and strategy suite that is visually focused, just like your customers to ensure your absolute success on social media.

Teamed with a beautifully simple drag and drop workspace, you’ll be able to create and manage your own uniquely branded Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, TikTok and LinkedIn feeds all in one beautifully simple place.

Does Plann help create content and captions for me?

Our goal is to keep you consistent and full of exciting, engaging ideas to keep you and your business on track.

If Social Media content creation has become a chore, here’s how we help:

  • AI Caption Generator to help you craft personalized captions
  • Daily post ideas complete with captions, hashtags and images on your calendar
  • Social Media Holiday Calendar
  • Royalty-free stock images and videos (with 3 of the worlds fastest growing libraries)
  • Done-for-you, pre-written captions sorted into action-led categories for you to customize
  • Canva integration with over 450,000 templates for posts and stories of all sizes
  • Content prompts for over 50 industries that include sales blue-prints
  • Professional image editing tools (where you can upload your logo!)
  • One-click repurposing to multiple social media platforms

Plus, we’re always updating Plann to make sure you’ve got content ready to go, we’ve got you!

Is Plann easy to use?

You’ll have a brand new post scheduled within 3 minutes of signing up and we still think that’s if you drive slowly! Plann was specifically designed by marketing experts to simplify how social media works.

You’ll find you can upload brand new media, or in two clicks you can search through our huge stock image and video libraries or even connect to Canva for over 450,000 FREE social media templates.

Our built-in image-editing tools let you filter, edit and add text overlays within seconds, skip the content creation steps with other software and do it all in one place.

It’s completely up to you whether you’re a one-post-at-a-time type or prefer to batch a month (or three!) in one go.

Can Plann teach me what to post next?


At Plann, we’ve identified top marketing themes that brands talk about online that get the best traction and engagement, and then we’re here to prompt you through how to create your own strategy to tell your own unique story.

One of our most popular features, map your strategy across your social platforms, or add strategic placeholders, then import your own media straight over the top so you’re always on track with what to post (perfect for planning your next content shoot too).

We’ll even label your content for you with their strategy themes so you don’t forget their original purpose. You’ll be talking social media strategy with the experts in no-time.

Can I use Plann for free?

Try all of Plann’s unlocked features completely free for 7 days and then only pay if you love it!

(You can always stay on our free plan if you’re not ready to use all the upgraded features afterwards).

Have a team, or manage multiple social media accounts?

Easy! Add them to your 7 day free trial too so you can see how much easier it is to work together. We want your whole team to see the magic we can make.